新关注 > 信息聚合 > 金角网络《舰姬》韩国成功上榜


"Ship" golden point network Ji South Korea successfully list

2017-02-15 00:00:00来源: 人民网

成都金角网络的自研产品《 /舰姬》,携手韩国发行商,于2017年1月18日在谷歌PLAY STORE正式上线,并于1月25日在ONE STORE平台正式上线。 游戏一经上线,便赢得市场的认可,并获得谷歌平台的推荐。谷歌上线后,一路斩杀,冲到收入榜前30名,在ONE STORE平台上线后进入到收入榜第6名。 《舰姬》是一款二次元卡牌SLG海战游戏,游戏创新性结合了二次元SLG策略、养成、战斗为一体,数百名不同地域,风格迥异的舰姬,在各种特色阵型的搭配下,还原了真实历史的战役玩法,而精细的人物设定加上丰富多彩的全球同服玩法,满足了泛二次元玩家的不同口味。在二次元军武题材中,游戏凭借精良的...

Chengdu goldenhorn network research products "/" Ji ship, to join the Korean publisher, officially launched in the Google PLAY STORE in January 18, 2017, and in January 25th in the ONE STORE platform officially launched. Once the game on the line, they won the recognition of the market, and access to Google platform recommended. Google on the line, a road kill, rushed to the income of the top 30, in the ONE STORE platform after the line into the income list sixth. "Ship" Ji is a two dimensional SLG Card Battle game, the game combines the innovative two dimension SLG strategy, develop, fighting as a whole, hundreds of different regions, different styles of ship Ji, in various characteristics of formation collocation, to restore the true history of the battle gameplay, and fine character set with the rich and colorful world with service play, to meet the different tastes of the two dimension of the pan game player. In the two dimension martial arts theme, the game with excellent...