新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新玩法开放《热血江湖传》金钟罩开启技能系统


Open new play "blood quack" admiralty cover open skill system

2016-10-24 16:17:33来源: 07073游戏网

概要: 金钟罩技能首次开放,全新养成玩法增加更多趣味。腾讯《热血江湖传》于上周更新了全新的金钟罩玩法,通过金钟罩的不断升级,玩家能够学到的金钟罩技能也越来越多,越来越强大,一夫当关万夫莫开不再是梦! 金钟罩技能首次开放,全新养成玩法增加更多趣味。腾讯《热血江湖传》于上周更新了全新的金...

Summary: compression skills open for the first time, a new form play more fun. Tencent "blood quack" last week to update the new compression play, through the escalating compression, compression of players can learn skills also more and more, stronger and stronger, there is mo open is no longer a dream! Compression skills open for the first time, a new form play more fun. Tencent "blood quack" updated new gold last week...