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挑战100级达成 玩家用跳舞毯玩魔兽世界

Challenge level 100 to reach players with a dance blanket to play World of Warcraft

2016-04-05 11:22:16来源: 多玩游戏

上个月我们报道过一名国外玩家在twitch上直播自己不靠键盘鼠标,仅用跳舞毯玩魔兽世界并挑战升到100级,而现在这个哥们终于完成了,历时130个小时,终于达成了100级,这可真是要累死人了。 而twitch也第一时间在官推上表示了祝贺 Rudeism 的直播间(点击进入>>)是一位...

Last month we reported a foreign game player in twitch live he does not rely on the keyboard and mouse, only dance play World of Warcraft and challenge up to level 100, and now this guy was finally completed, which lasted 130 hours, finally reached the 100 level, this can really be tired. The twitch is also the first time on the official said the congratulations on the Rudeism live (click enter) is a...

标签: 玩家 魔兽世界