新关注 > 信息聚合 > Respawn《星球大战》新作将于4月13日公开详情


Respawn "Star Wars" new book to be made public details on April 13

2019-04-10 11:10:14来源: 游戏时光

Respawn 工作室的新作,《星球大战 绝地武士:堕落教团》将会在当地时间 4 月 13 日(北京时间 4 月 14 日凌晨两点半)公布最新详情。本作预计在 2019 年末正式发售。目前网上已有一些关于游戏的基础情报,包括:本作没有使用 Respawn 此前的改良版起源引擎,也没有使用 EA 的寒霜引擎,而是使用虚幻4引擎开发的。游戏类型为第三人称单机动作游戏《战神3》的总监与设计师 Stig Asmussen 是该项目的领导人《战神3》的战斗总监 Jason de Heras 负责游戏的战斗系统。《孤岛惊魂3》《黑手党3》的叙事总监 Aaaron Contreras 担当主要叙事...

Respawn Studio's new work, "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order", will release the latest details on April 13 local time (two o'clock in the morning Beijing time April 14, half). This is expected to be put on sale by the end of 2019. There is now some basic information about the game online, including: This is not using  Respawn's previous improved version of the Origin engine, nor the use of EA's frost engine, but using the Unreal 4 engine developed. Game type for third person stand-alone action game the director of Waratahs 3 and designer Stig Asmussen are the battle director of the project's leader, Waratahs 3, who is in charge of the game's combat system. Aaaron Contreras, narrative director of "Isle of Thriller 3" Mafia 3, plays the main narrative ...

标签: 星球大战