新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雷亚游戏释出短片 发布全新音乐游戏《计划 V》

雷亚游戏释出短片 发布全新音乐游戏《计划 V》

Rhea game released the video release new music game "plan V"

2015-06-19 09:30:24来源: 任玩堂

雷亚游戏于 6 月 17 日公开影片,短片开始以回顾雷亚自 2012 年来陆续推出的 Cytus 《音乐世界》、Mandora 《拔萝卜》、Deemo 《古树旋律》以及 Implosion《聚爆》4 款游戏作为开场,而紧接在《聚爆》之后的,则是目前雷亚尚在开发中的第 5 款新作—— Pr...

Rhea game on June 17 public film, short film starts with a review of Rhea since 2012 launched Cytus "world of music", Mandora "pull carrot" deemo, the ancient melody "and Implosion [poly explosion" four games as the opening, and immediately in the implosion ", it is the Reashan in paragraph 5 of the new PR...

标签: 游戏