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《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》未公布角色或遭泄露

The nintendo star ported special edition not released or leaked role

2018-10-25 09:44:47来源: 游戏时光

距离《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》发售仅剩一个多月,围绕本作的传闻也越发多了起来,近日网上流传的一张图片或将泄露了本作全部斗士的最终名单。上图来自于法国一家打印公司的员工,据查证这家公司曾替万代南梦宫进行过广告宣传工作,而《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》正是樱井政博监督携万代南梦宫团队一起开发的,这无疑增加了图片的可信度。让我们放大图片上的角色横幅,虽然清晰度不高,但还是能发现它与现有的角色横幅不太一样,国外网友挖出了其中的新增角色名单,似乎与最近网上流传的相差无几。新增角色有:暗影(《索尼克》系列)班卓熊(《班卓熊大冒险》)Isaac(《黄金太阳》系列)肯(《街头霸王》系列)音速骑士(FC游戏《M...

From the nintendo star ported special edition release only more than a month, around this rumor grew more more, recently circulated online photo or will reveal the final list of all fighters. Above from France a printing company employees, according to verify the company ever for southern dream palace in ten thousand generation advertising propaganda work, while the nintendo star ported Special edition is sakurai zheng bo supervision with ten thousand generations south dream palace of team development, no doubt to increase the credibility of the image. Let's zoom in on the role of image banner, although the resolution is not high, but still can find it with existing banner, the role of foreign net friend dug up the new part list, seems to be circulating on the Internet recently. New roles are: shadow (" sonic "series) class ZhuoXiong (" adventures in class ZhuoXiong) Isaac (" golden sun" series) Ken knight (" street fighter "series) the speed of sound (FC game" M...

标签: 任天堂