新关注 > 信息聚合 > 要闻点评:网易腾讯暗战 暴雪又遭山寨

要闻点评:网易腾讯暗战 暴雪又遭山寨

News review: NetEase Tencent running again copycat game

2015-04-17 13:44:49来源: 07073游戏网

07073游戏网4月16日要闻点评 中国游戏行业收入排行第二的网易连发手游,与排名第一的腾讯暗战升级;暴雪出品的免费策略卡牌游戏《炉石传说:魔兽英雄传》登陆中国又遭山寨。每日要闻点评,就在07073游戏网! 2014年,网易以平均一个月一款的游戏数量,持着谨慎的态度探索着手游市场。但...

07073 Blizzard game network April 16th news comment China game industry revenue ranked second NetEase bursts of Mobile Games, upgrade and ranked first in the Tencent running; free strategy card game "Blizzard hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft" landing Chinese again copycat. Daily news comment, just 07073 games network! In 2014, the average number of NetEase in a month of a game, holding a cautious attitude to explore Mobile Games market. But...

标签: 腾讯 暴雪 网易