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《哆啦A梦修理工场》手游 国服上线

"Doraemon repair workshop" Mobile Games national service on-line

2015-02-10 06:26:38来源: 和讯网

哆啦A梦迷们有福气了,看着经典漫画一个个改编为各种游戏,而我们儿时的经典哆啦A梦一直脚步缓慢,不过现在首款《哆啦A梦》官方授权手游《哆啦A梦修理工场》面向大陆地区发布。这是一款以《哆啦A梦》为iP改编的模拟经营类手游,随着游戏的进行,《哆啦A梦》中的经典角色和场景均会在游戏中陆续登场。 ...

Doraemon fans blessed, watching classic comic book one adapted for a variety of games, and our childhood classic Doraemon has been slow, but now the first "Doraemon" official authorization Mobile Games "Duo La A dream" for mainland release repair shop. This is a to "Doraemon" for the simulation of the operating type Mobile Games adapted iP, as the game progresses, "classic characters and scenes in the Doraemon" will debut one after another in the game. ...

标签: 手游