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十三年热血不减 《泡泡堂》经典玩法回归

Thirteen years hot blooded, "bubble Tong" classic play regression

2016-04-25 14:56:42来源: 多玩游戏

明快的音乐,可爱的角色,各种各样的泡泡刹那间绽放出来的光彩,一切都是那么的熟悉,这就是不知不觉间已陪伴我们走过十三年的《泡泡堂》。对于《泡泡堂》的每一个老玩家来说,十三年时光变迁,但《泡泡堂》带来的纯粹欢乐却始终不曾改变。现在,《泡泡堂》经典玩法再次回归,感恩玩家们一路相挺! 相信不...

Lively music, lovely characters, all kinds of bubbles, blooming in an instant, everything is so familiar, that is, unconsciously, we have been with us for thirteen years, "bubble Tong.". For every old player of "bubble Tang", thirteen years have changed, but the pure joy of "bubble church" has never changed. Now, "PaoPaoTang" classic games again, all the way Xiangting Thanksgiving game player! Believe not...