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"Final Fantasy" Mevius latest trailer exposure to

2015-03-11 09:44:22来源: TechWeb

在今年的GDC2015上,史克威尔艾尼克斯曾经曝光了旗下新作《Mevius 最终幻想(MEVIUS FINAL FANTASY)》的一段13秒的游戏视频,顿时就在《最终幻想》系列的粉丝之间引发了不小的轰动。实际上游戏早在去年曝光的时候就引来了各界的高度关注。不过短短的13秒视频并不能满足...

at GDC2015 this year, squaresoft AI Nicks once exposure of its new "Final Fantasy Mevius (MEVIUS FINAL FANTASY)" for a period of 13 seconds in the video game, immediately in the "Final Fantasy" between the fan of the series caused no small sensation. In fact the game early last year when the exposure is attracted the attention from all walks of life. But the short 13 second video can not satisfy...

标签: 最终幻想