新关注 > 信息聚合 > 花2000块点一个乾元丹感觉策划恶意满满


Spend 2000 dollars a Qianyuan Dan felt full of malicious planning

2016-08-09 11:57:40来源: 17173

这次的新资料片网易真的是恶意满满,圈钱真的是太明显了,我就想知道玩家的钱都是大风刮来的吗,就这么不当回事? 说实话我之前一直挺支持网易的,毕竟游戏要发展,一定得出一些新东西,就算出的符石 进阶 奇经八脉我都可以接受,我甚至都觉得自己是网易的一个五毛了。但这次我真是觉得网易太没良心了。以...

This new piece of information NetEase is really full of malicious, misappropriating is really too obvious, I want to know the game player money is the wind blowing, so improper? To tell the truth I had been very supportive of the NetEase, after all the game to develop, must find some new things, even if the rune advanced eight extrameridians I can accept, I even feel like a 50 Fen NetEase. But this time I really think the NetEase is too unconscionable. In order to...