新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火影忍者手游咒印佐助可以买吗 咒印佐助多少钱

火影忍者手游咒印佐助可以买吗 咒印佐助多少钱

Mantra printed sasuke naruto mobile game can buy How much charm print sasuke

2016-02-19 17:06:14来源: 4399

咒印佐助在火影忍者手游中非常强大,特别是在PK场中,基本被他击飞没有替身术的话就会被无限连招了,那么大家关心的咒印佐助能否购买的问题下面小编就为大家解答。 问:火影忍者手游咒印佐助可以买吗?多少钱? 答:咒印佐助只有在活动中才能购买,之前春节活动的时候需要充值获得积分才能兑换,一个碎...

Charm print sasuke in naruto mobile game is very powerful, especially in the PK field, basic is he blow fly no double words will be infinite LianZhao, sasuke then everyone concerned about the curse of the seal can buy below small make up to answer questions. Q: naruto sasuke mobile game to curse seal can buy? How much is it? A: curse seal sasuke only to purchase in the activity, you need to prepaid phone before the Spring Festival activities integral to exchange, a broken...

标签: 手游