新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游之良品:国人团队做了款西游版《炉石传说》 古典画风还真不错

游之良品:国人团队做了款西游版《炉石传说》 古典画风还真不错

Tour of good products: Chinese team made a westward journey version of "hearthstone legend" classical style of painting is really good

2017-05-02 17:14:12来源: 任玩堂

时下大热的卡牌手游,不外乎《万智牌》和《炉石传说》,以它们为基准而改版制作的手游作品也不在少数,但相似度过高、缺乏自身特色往往成了它们未火先衰的主要原因。当然“前浪”这堵难以跨越的高墙并没能阻挡所有想做出炉石NO.2的厂商,像不久前就有了这么一个新游戏,它就是《灵文对决》。作为一款由国内团队开发的 TCG 游戏,它选择了能够突出自身文化底蕴的《西游记》来当游戏的主题背景,因此在游戏里可以见到孙悟空、哪吒、二郎神、天蓬元帅等熟悉的角色。每个角色都拥有专属的神通技能,装备之后可以在对战中发挥不同的效果,玩家也可以凭借他们的神通技能特点来决定他们的牌库,定制成多套不同打法、不同战术的制胜卡组。刚上手...

The card hot Mobile Games, nothing more than "magic" and "hearthstone legend", using them as reference and revision made Mobile Games works is not in the minority, but the similarity is too high, the lack of its own characteristics often become the main reason they did not fire the first time. Of course, before the block is difficult to cross the wall and could not stop all want to make hearthstone NO.2 manufacturers, like long ago there is a new game, it is the spirit of "duel". As a team from the domestic development of the TCG game, it chose to highlight its cultural heritage of the "journey to the west" as the theme of the game background, so in the game can see Sun Wukong, Na Zha, Erlang, Tian Peng and other familiar characters. Each character has exclusive magical skills, can play in different equipment after the effect of war, game player can also use their supernatural skills to determine their library, customized into different sets of play, different tactics of the winning card group. Just started...

标签: 炉石传说