新关注 > 信息聚合 > angelababy晒背影美照 穿红色球服现身(图)

angelababy晒背影美照 穿红色球服现身(图)

Angelababy sun nice figure wore red ball service appeared (, 28 8 months)

2015-08-28 14:28:22来源: 中国新闻网

angelababy微博截图 中新网8月28日电 昨晚,angelababy通过微博晒出一张穿着红色球服的背影美照,并配文称“红魔曼联”。 照片中,angelababy穿着印有“7”号字样的红...

angelababy microblogging screenshot last night, angelababy through the microblogging drying out the beauty of a wearing red uniforms back according to and Peiwen says "Manchester United". In the photo, angelababy is wearing red with the word "7"...