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Miyamoto: Nintendo will its game adapted Sina film

2015-08-24 15:05:06来源: 新浪

很多玩家希望看到自己喜欢的游戏改编成电影,而任天堂旗下就有众多知名IP,例如《超级马里奥》和《塞尔达传说》,它们也有潜力改编为成功的电影。 近日,被称为“马里奥”之父的著名制作人宫本茂就表示,任天堂正准备为旗下游戏改编为电影大开方便之门。 “这些年来,已经有不少人来找我们商讨,将...

many players want to see their favorite game adapted into a movie, and Nintendo's have many well-known IP, such as Super Mario and the legend of Zelda. They also have potential adapted for film work. Recently, known as the "Mario" the father of the famous producer Shigeru Miyamoto said, Nintendo is ready for its game adapted for the film opened the door. "Over the years, many people have come to us to discuss, will...