新关注 > 信息聚合 > CF手游新版本歼灭模式来了 来玩就送200钻石

CF手游新版本歼灭模式来了 来玩就送200钻石

CF hand travel patterns to the new version of annihilation play would send 200 diamonds

2016-01-04 14:34:10来源: 不凡游戏网


CF FPS Genuine hand tour "Cross Fire: King Shootout" 2016 New version of "carry guns annihilated" Come! Updating the game landed between January 3, you can get 200 diamonds - as long as the January 1st! As a major update to turn of the year, the new version provides users with new models, new weapons, new maps and many other new content. Currently, the official New Year's Eve has released movie, watch videos and CF hand travel together into 2016. at the same time...

标签: 手游 CF