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记录独立游戏背后的故事 摩点助力记录影片《独行》制作发行

The story behind the record of independent games The power record "alone" making film distribution

2018-09-10 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《独行》是一部记录中国独立游戏开发者创作历程的纪录片,影片没有刻意渲染梦想、没有故意包装苦逼,没有营造“形势一片大好”,就是真是的在记录一群独立游戏开发者的点点滴滴。目前已经在爱奇艺(国内)以及Steam(国外)上映。上线不到一个月的时间,豆瓣评分达8.5。 近几年有很多优秀的独立游戏出现在大家的视野,比如曾经刷爆朋友圈的《纪念碑谷》。独立游戏更讲究“独立精神”,“一切以好玩为主”是独立游戏开发者信奉的最高信条,并以新颖的创意和对游戏独到的理解吸引了大批游戏爱好者。 没有人知道中国有多少独立游戏开发者,也没有人知道他们都来自何方,更没有人知道他们每天各自的生活状态。但确定的是,有这么一群...

"Alone" is a documentary of China's independent game developer creation course, the film did not deliberately rendering dream, not deliberately packaging helpless suffering, not to build "a good situation, is in the record is a group of independent game developer dribs and drabs. Now in iQIYI (domestic) and Steam (foreign). Launched less than a month's time, watercress score of 8.5. In recent years, there are a lot of excellent independent games appear in everybody's field of vision, such as ever maxed circle of friends of the monument valley. Independent games more pay attention to the "independent spirit", "everything is given priority to with fun" is the highest creed of independent game developers embrace, with innovative ideas and understanding of the original game attracted many game enthusiasts. No one knows how many independent game developer in China, no one knows where they are from, more no one know they their life every day. But sure, have so a group of...

标签: 游戏