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魔幻之旅启程 《格罗亚传奇》9.14开测玩法揭秘

Magic tour departure ", roya legend "9.14 open play reveal

2016-09-09 09:15:47来源: 17173

网易西方魔幻题材次世代手游《格罗亚传奇》即将于9月14日开启突破测试,据官方表示,相比极限封测,此次《格罗亚传奇》突破测试从玩法到装备全面升级,增加了不少猛料,各位准备好再次踏上这片魔力萦绕的大陆了吗?话不多说,这就奉上新版独家爆料! 1.新手教学 即刻上手 根据上次极限封测的玩...

Netease western fantasy genre next generation mobile game "lattice roya legend" opened on September 14, break through the test, according to the official, said the limit test, compared the "lattice roya legend" breakthrough tests from the play to comprehensive upgrade, increase a lot of material, you ready to once again set foot on this piece of the magic's haunting the mainland? Few words said, "this will give the new sole broke! 1. The new teaching Get started immediately According to the last time limit testing play...