新关注 > 信息聚合 > 识破谣言就赢钱 西瓜视频“百万英雄”创新科普模式

识破谣言就赢钱 西瓜视频“百万英雄”创新科普模式

See through the rumor will win money Watermelon video "million hero" innovation science model

2018-02-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

受冻可以导致关节炎?紫菜的成分包括塑料?识破这些网络谣言和虚假信息,不仅可以涨知识学科普,还可以在西瓜视频的“百万英雄”答题节目中获得奖金! 近日,在西瓜视频推出的大型知识问答直播节目“百万英雄”中,开启了一场别开生面的答题游戏,这次专场的主题就是“谣言终结者”,共有145万人参与,最终7.24万人人闯关成功平分了本场奖金,平均正确率为74.19%。 专场题目涵盖社会、健康、科学等类别的谣言,比如去年流行一则谣言,“紫菜是废旧塑料袋做的”,因为涉及到饮食健康所以引起了很多人的恐慌,制作谣言视频的始作俑者也被判刑。后来经过多方辟谣,这则谣言也被广泛澄清,如今,在“百万英雄”答题中,参加答题...

Cold can lead to arthritis? Laver consists of plastic? Through the network rumors and false information, can not only increase the knowledge to learn science, can also in watermelon video "million hero" answer shows get bonuses! In watermelon video recently launched large-scale knowledge quiz live millions "hero", opened up an entirely new problem solving game, this special topic is "terminator" rumors, a total of 1.45 million people, 72400 people recruit succeed equally to the bonus, the average accuracy is 74.19%. Special topics include social, health, science and other categories of rumors, such as popular last year a rumor, "laver is made of waste plastic bags", because involves a healthy diet or a curse arouses most people's panic, make rumors the inventors of the video was sentenced. Later after the rumor, the rumor also widely clarification, now, in "million hero" problem solving, to participate in the answer...

标签: 视频