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游戏内活动使手游焕发活力 唤起玩家对游戏热情

In-game activities make mobile game Arouse the passion for the game

2017-10-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

作为一名开发者,如何在游戏中创造新的内容来吸引玩家并提升其留存实非易事。随着最初强势宣传所带来的影响力隐退,提升用户留存的最佳方式之一就是定期设置一些游戏内活动。多年来,游戏内活动已经成为开发者的主要收入来源,一些免费游戏更是获利颇丰,其原因是显而易见的。游戏内活动通过为玩家树立新的目标使其在游戏中重新踏上征程,当然这种做法也能够显著提升游戏收入。除此之外,游戏内活动有助于延长手游的生命周期,而开发者也无需大费周章的再去开发新的游戏获利。最近我与手游开发商Playdemic就游戏内活动的重要性进行了深入的探讨,希望以下的最佳实践及注意事项能为游戏开发者借鉴。 游戏内活动的重要性 根据移动...

As a developer, how to create new content in the game to attract people and increase their retained it would be easy. Retreat as the initial influence brought by the strong propaganda and improve users retained one of the best way is to set up some in-game activities on a regular basis. Over the years, the game activities has become a main source of income of developers, some free games is more profitable, the reason is obvious. In-game activities through set new goals for the player to make it back in the game on a journey and, of course, this approach can significantly improve the game income. In addition, the game activity helps to prolong the lifecycle of the mobile game, and developers also need not struggle to the development of new games. I recently with the mobile game developers Playdemic in-game activities carried on the thorough discussion, the importance of hope that the following best practices and considerations for game developers. The importance of the in-game events According to the mobile...

标签: 手游 游戏 玩家