新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热血激昂《次元召唤师》安卓封测即将开启


Hot passionate dimensional calls "android testing is about to open it

2017-11-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《次元召唤师》是由美生元旗下晶石互娱发行,成都动鱼数码研发的大型3D幻想风格AR卡牌手游。该游戏集AR收集、人物养成、卡牌策略等玩法于一身,创新的轮盘操作让玩家耳目一新,更有SEGA正版授权的IP人物重新回归。11月22日,《次元召唤师》安卓封测将再次开启,玩家可在部分应用商店下载游戏,穿越次元,寻找真正的次元英雄。 海量英雄,经典人物大回归 《次元召唤师》中拥有海量英雄人物,游戏人物穿越自北欧神话、希腊神话、日本战国等多个脍炙人口的传奇时代,齐聚在次元大陆,等待召唤师的召唤。更有SEGA旗下格斗游戏《VR战士》中的经典角色跨次元来袭,他们将会和玩...

Dimensional summoner is issued by American born yuan's SPAR and entertainment, digital research and development of chengdu move fish large 3 d fantasy style AR card player. The game set AR collection, cultivation of character, the card strategies play at a suit, the innovation of roulette operation for players to find everything new and fresh, SEGA is more genuine authorized IP return characters. On November 22, the dimensional summoners android testing will once again open, players can download the game, in the part of the app store through dimensional, looking for the real time yuan hero. & have spent & have spent Mass hero, classic characters back to the time yuan summoners, has a huge number of heroes game character through the Nordic myth and Greek myth, Japan's warring states period, and many other well-known legendary era, yuan continent gathered in time, waiting for the summoner's call. More SEGA's combat game virtua fighter "the classic roles across time yuan hit, and they will play...

标签: 安卓