新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩家致信CCTV5:电子竞技上电视正是时候


Game player sent a letter to the CCTV5: electronic sports on TV is the time

2015-01-22 13:53:30来源: 太平洋游戏网

CCTV5的各位领导: 不知道目前广电总局是否已经明确电子竞技项目可以在所谓的主流媒体(电视直播)上进行播放,也许目前对于此事还是处于模棱两可的状态下,但我个人认为目前是个好时机了,简单谈谈个人几点观点: 一、 市场形势亟不可待 1. 前面我在主流媒体前加了“所谓”两字,主要是因...

CCTV5 leaders: do not know at SARFT has clear whether electronic athletics project can be in the mainstream media called (televised) on play, maybe for this also is ready to accept either course condition, but personally I think there is a good time, easy to talk about the personal points of view: first, the market situation is desiderated in front of 1 I in the mainstream media before the addition of the "so-called" word, is mainly due to...

标签: 玩家 电子竞技