新关注 > 信息聚合 > 熊孩子奇幻大冒险 《圣剑契约》灵魂测评

熊孩子奇幻大冒险 《圣剑契约》灵魂测评

Bear child fantasy big adventure -- the sword sword contract soul evaluation

2016-12-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《圣剑契约》是一款奇幻题材的手游,2.5D游戏画面,Q版画风,笔者从DND一路玩到老滚5,是奇幻题材的铁杆老粉丝,对该作虽槽点甚多,但总的来说还算是满意。 圣剑契约分项测评 题材:东西合璧新魔幻 作为一款奇幻游戏,《圣剑契约》有一点十分吸引我:主线故事发生在一个叫做“勇者大陆”的魔幻世界;而在遥远的东方,还有一个叫做“麒麟洲”的东方世界,大圣、熊猫行者等英雄就来自麒麟洲!这款游戏的文化之杂糅,从目前版本的loading图就能感受一二…… 《圣剑契约》当前版本loading图 相比于世界观,《圣剑契约》在题材上的真正亮点是人设。几十位(官方说是百位,以后会开放吧)来自各地、各...

"Holy sword contract" is a fantasy theme of Mobile Games, 2.5D game, Q version of style, the author from the DND way to play to the old roll 5, is a fantasy theme of the old hardcore fans, although many slot point, but in general is still satisfied. The sword contract item evaluation theme: the combination of things new magic as a fantasy game, "one ten attract me holy sword contract": the main story happened in a called "brave," magic in the world; while in the distant east, also known as a "kylin island" of the eastern world, wu-k'ung, panda Walker hero from kylin delta! The game of cultural hybridity, from the current version of the loading map can feel one or two...... "Saint sword contract" compared to the current version of the loading map of world outlook, "sword" in the theme of real contract highlights is set up. Dozens of people (officials say hundreds, will open later), from all over the country...