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还能愉快的玩耍吗 《惊异悬吊》评测

Also happy to play it "amazing" evaluation of

2015-02-03 17:35:54来源: 4399

虐心游戏年年有,去年好像特别多,那么在新的一年即将来临之际,让我们抓住小尾巴再一次来找虐吧,《惊异悬吊》(Swinging Stupendo)是一款极为虐心的休闲娱乐小游戏,而今天的主角命运完全被一根绳子说掌控,它会翻出怎样不同的浪花呢?让我们拭目以待。 值得庆幸的是,画面终于不再是虐...

suspension child heart game every year, last year seems much more special, so in the new year is coming, let us seize the small tail again to find abuse, "amazing" suspension (Swinging Stupendo) is a very small game entertainment heart of abuse, but today's leading fate completely by a rope control, it will turn out how different waves? Let's rub one's eyes and wait. Fortunately, the picture is finally no longer abuse...