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《钢铁陆战队》首曝预告 科幻风即时战略

The first exposure of steel corps forecast science wind RTS

2016-02-18 16:58:29来源: 新浪

开发商Ironhide Game Studio曾推出著名塔防系列游戏《王国保卫战(Kingdom Rush)》,今日他们公开了旗下最新科幻风游戏《钢铁陆战队(Iron Marines)》的预告片,让玩家抢先了解游戏中的精锐士兵及外星怪物们的设定样貌。 《钢铁陆战队(Iron Marin...

Developers Ironhide Game Studio has launched the famous tower series "Kingdom of battle (Kingdom Rush)", today they released its latest sci-fi Game wind the steel corps (Iron Marines), the trailer, so that players know the Game's first elite soldiers and set the appearance of the alien monsters. The steel corps (Iron Marin...