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Real-time strategy tour "shadow wrath: racial supremacy" hand full platform open beta

2018-10-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日,由咸鱼游戏发行、梦加网络制作的创新RTS即时战略竞技手游《暗影之怒:种族争霸》已全平台公测!历经7个月的版本优化,此次游戏将以全新的面貌与广大玩家见面。全新UI界面、全新3V3战斗模式、全新休闲赛模式,不同的游戏玩法,同样的竞技乐趣! 创新策略体验 还原极致RTS乐趣 作为一款真正继承了正统RTS游戏的玩法手游作品,《暗影之怒》不仅在游戏中融合加入体现RTS经典元素的“英雄”角色设定,游戏音乐制作也颇有讲究。其游戏音乐由奇亿音乐创始人、湖南卫视家喻户晓的版权项目《透鲜滴星期天》的音乐制作人齐毅制作。游戏保留专长、专精、剧情等一系列经典内容,提供英雄等级、属性提升的多样策略选择,...

Recently, the made of salted fish, dream and launch network innovation RTS RTS competitive mobile game "shadow wrath: racial supremacy" has full platform open beta! After seven months of version optimization, the game will use new look to meet the players. New UI interface, a new 3 v3 combat mode, a new leisure game, different game play, the same competitive fun! Innovation strategy experience reduction acme RTS fun as a truly inherits the traditional RTS game play to their work, the shadow wrath fusion to join in the game not only reflects the RTS classic elements of a "hero" characters, the game also has exquisite music production. The game music by strange music founder, hunan satellite TV household copyright project "through fresh drops of Sunday" music producer JiYi production. Game reserves the expertise and specialization, the plot and a series of classic content, provide the hero level, attribute, promote diversity strategy choice,...

标签: 手游