新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电影改编游戏《13号星期五:游戏版》众筹成功


Film adaptation of the game, "13: the game edition" to raise the success of the

2015-11-12 11:00:19来源: 178游戏网

10月份开始众筹的电影改编恐怖游戏《13号星期五:游戏版》已经完成了众筹目标,目前共筹得70万美元。 在《13号星期五:游戏版》游戏中,玩家可以扮演杀人魔杰森追杀游客,也可以扮演游客躲避杀人魔。该作预计2016年10月份发售,登陆PC/PS4/Xbox 360。

10 month to start all the chips to raise the film adaptation of the terrorist game 13: Friday: game version has been completed by the congregation raised goals, the current total of 700 thousand dollars. In the 13 Friday: game version of the game, the player can play the role of killer Jason kill the tourists, but also to play tourists to escape the killer. It is expected to be released in October 2016, landing PC/PS4/Xbox 360.

标签: 游戏 电影 众筹