新关注 > 信息聚合 > 年底揽双奖 阿里云发力游戏云生态助行业发展

年底揽双奖 阿里云发力游戏云生态助行业发展

The end of football development award double force Ali cloud games cloud ecosystem to help industry

2015-12-28 16:11:03来源: 新浪

继在本月2015中国游戏产业年会“游戏十强”盛典上荣获“2015年度中国游戏产业服务商”后,在游戏领域频频发力的阿里云在上周再度拿下第二届金口奖之最佳产业服务贡献奖,这意味着阿里云在游戏从业者心中拥有无可替代的地位。 “中国‘游戏十强’大奖盛典是中国游戏产业年会的重要组成部分,具有极...

Following this month in 2015 China Game Industry Annual Conference "game top ten" Festival won the "2015 China Game Industry Annual service provider", the field in the game frequently force Ali cloud again last week won the second prize Chrysostom best industry contribution Award of service, which means that Ali cloud has irreplaceable position in the hearts of practitioners game. "China 'top ten game' award ceremony is an important part of the China Game Industry Annual Conference, with a very ...

标签: 游戏 阿里云