新关注 > 信息聚合 > DNF官方小说:主角穿越自地球 还有中国功夫?

DNF官方小说:主角穿越自地球 还有中国功夫?

DNF official novels: leading role across the earth There are Chinese kung fu?

2016-07-30 00:34:09来源: 17173


DNF strategy conference this year, the underground city and warrior (DNF) announced the official novels written by ZuoGuJuan soil, the novel will build more perfect arad world. So now the novel how progress? The basic idea what it's like? What surprise is worth players look forward to? Here are the small make up for everybody grilled steak. On August 1 day on Monday, 17173 will release full volume soil, bring more surprise spice please look! ...

标签: DNF