新关注 > 信息聚合 > ChinaJoy浮生记:一个游戏记者的CJ纪实


ChinaJoy floating in mind: a game reporter CJ documentary

2015-08-01 13:25:07来源: 新浪

欢迎关注“创事记”的微信订阅号:sinachuangshiji 文/董杭叶 触乐原创,转载请注明作者、出处。更多高品质文章:触乐微信公众号 chuappgame ChinaJoy是游戏圈...

welcome attention to "create antiquities" micro channel subscription number: sinachuangshiji / Dong Hangye touch music original, reproduced please indicate the author and source. More high quality article: touch music micro channel public number ChinaJoy chuappgame is the game circle...

标签: 游戏 ChinaJoy