新关注 > 信息聚合 > 抗战胜利座谈暨景德镇抗战史书首发式举行


The victory of the Anti Japanese War discussion and Jingdezhen history of the war of resistance against Japan premiere held

2015-09-02 10:43:02来源: 中新网江西分社

纪念抗战胜利70周年座谈会暨《景德镇抗战史事》首发式举行 梅亦向抗战老兵赠书 向抗战老兵献花 9月1日上午,由新四军研究会、瓷都晚报社、市委党史办及市社联联合举办的“纪念抗战胜利70周年座谈会...

to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the war of resistance against Japan Symposium cum "Jingdezhen war historical" premiere held Mei also to war veterans, donation to veterans of the war flowers on the morning of September 1, by the research of the New Fourth Army, CIDU evening news agency, municipal Party committee office and City Council jointly organized "to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the war of resistance against Japan Forum...