新关注 > 信息聚合 > 市场分化背后:房地产走向“货币决定论”


Behind the market differentiation: real estate to "monetary determinism."

2016-05-01 06:55:36来源: 新浪网

导读 就整体楼市而言,供需关系对于房价的推动作用正在减弱。外部环境的作用正变得越来越大。具体包括“营改增”等重大政策调整、信贷杠杆调整、货币环境变化等。在这其中,鉴于房地产业带有较强的资金密集性质,因此货币环境的影响最为关键。 本报记者 张敏 北京报道 房地产业和货币政策如今正迎来关...

Reading in terms of the overall housing market, and the promoting function of supply and demand for housing is waning. The role of the external environment is becoming more and more big. Including to increase "camp" and other major policy adjustment, credit lever, monetary conditions change, etc. In it, in view of the real estate industry with strong capital intensive nature, so the effect of monetary environment is crucial. Our reporter Zhang min Beijing real estate industry and monetary policy is now in close...