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主播扮圣诞老人上门送iphoneX 竟被当作骗子粉丝险报警

The delivery dress up as Santa Claus to come to the iphoneX should be regarded as a liar fans risk alarm

2017-12-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

圣诞节来啦,小伙伴们你们收到圣诞老人的礼物没?有一位游戏主播的小粉丝,今天的遭遇可以说是羡煞了几百万人:原来她粉的一名游戏主播,竟然亲自扮演了圣诞老人,上门去给她带来了一份厚重的圣诞礼物——iphone X,真是震了个惊!不过刚好她不在家,父母不了解情况还以为是骗子上门行骗,险些报警,幸好她及时冲回家,才化解了这一闹剧。 据了解,该主播是触手直播平台的《王者荣耀》主播剑仙,目前站内订阅近400万,能够在400万粉丝中脱颖而出中此大奖,只能说该粉丝的运气实在是好到惊人。 《王者荣耀》这个游戏的兴起,让一批顶尖技术、又有才华的主播脱颖而出,为一众粉丝喜欢。职业选手出身,凭借一手犀利的李白...

Christmas come, friends you haven't received a present from Santa Claus? A small fan, with a game anchor admired encounter can be said to be evil spirit today millions of people: she powder a host game, played Santa Claus himself, the door to brought her a Christmas gift -- heavy iphone X, it's really a shock a surprise! But she did not just at home, parents don't know the situation thought is cheater door-to-door con, nearly alarm, luckily she rushed home in time, to resolve this farce. It is understood that the anchor is tentacles live platform of "king glory" sword play host, the station subscribe to nearly 4 million, 4 million fans can come to the fore in the awards, can only say that the fan is good luck to the amazing. The rise of "the king of glory the game made a batch of top technology, and talented anchor, to all the fans like it. Professional players, with one hand sharp li bai...

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