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《英雄联盟》逃不开的黄铜命运 发帖膜拜大神求双排

"Heroes Union" can not escape the fate of brass posting worship God for big double

2016-07-03 09:43:45来源: 逗游网

现在《LOL》S6赛季也已经过半,大家都爬到了什么段位呢?大家可以来看看这位游戏ID为jwright1553的国外的玩家,从S1打到现在,依旧在青铜里奋战。 六年的时间,没有让这位勤奋的召唤师变为王者或者大师,这个忠诚的《LOL》玩家至今依旧在游戏的最底层厮杀。现在他终于将自己的疑问...

Now "LOL" S6 season halfway through, we all climbed what Dan? We can look at this game as an overseas player ID jwright1553 from S1 hit now, there is still fighting in bronze. Six years, did not let the hard Summoner becomes king or master, the loyal "LOL" players it is still in the game at the bottom of the foot. Now he finally own questions ...

标签: 英雄联盟