新关注 > 信息聚合 > 终于骗够钱了?《星际公民》确定2016年上线


Finally cheat enough money? "Star citizen" launched in 2016 by the Milky Way commander

2015-01-22 10:41:55来源: 17173

由银河飞将之父克里斯·罗伯特创办的Cloud Imperium Games工作室开发的太空科幻网游《星际公民》日前公布了游戏的未来更新计划,其中2015年春加入FPS模式以及社交系统的测试,2015年夏2.0整合型飞船和竞技场指挥官系统更新,秋天加入Sqadron 42星域主线故事的第一...

determine the father Chris Robert founded the Cloud Imperium Games development studio space science fiction online games "star citizen" recently released the game in future updates of program, which in 2015 spring FPS entry mode and social system testing, updated 2015 summer 2 integrated spacecraft and Arena commander system, autumn in Sqadron 42 star field line of the story the first...