新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《精灵王座》现场体验人气爆棚,开发商:VR让人卸下枷锁起舞


The elves throne on-site experience sentiment, developers: VR to break free

2017-08-31 00:00:00来源: 人民网

8月25日-28日,2017第四届上海科博会在上海展览中心如火如荼进行中。泛娱乐和科技的结合,总能引发人们最大的热情,这从本届科博会上VR战斗游戏《精灵王座》的火热度爆棚就窥得一斑。 由上海境宇文化发展公司出品的国内首款电子竞技类VR战斗游戏《精灵王座》在科博会上首发后,获得参观者的极大兴趣。大批粉丝排起“人海长龙”,短短两个小时,预约排队的号就已经排满。得到机会试玩的幸运玩家们,在“真假难辨”的游戏世界里,来了一场前所未有的VR对战。游戏结束后,参与者争先向大家描述震撼、与众不同的游戏体验。《精灵王座》试玩区人气爆棚的场面,成为本届科博会上的一道亮丽景色。 据了解,《精灵王座》...

August 25-28, 2017 in the fourth session of the Shanghai fair can underway in the Shanghai exhibition center. Entertainment and the combination of science and technology, can always have led to the biggest enthusiasm, this from the chitec exhibition VR combat game "the elves throne" kokomo hot degrees glimpse. Made by Shanghai yu cultural development of China's electronic competitive VR combat game the elves throne after chitec exhibition starting, obtain the great interest of visitors. A large number of fans lined up "huge dragon", a short span of two hours, had full line booking number. Got a chance to try the lucky players, in "butch" game world, to an unprecedented VR battle. The game ended, participants are racing to describe shock and different gaming experience. The elves throne demo area sentiment at the scene, become the beautiful scenery of the chitec exhibition. It is understood that the elves throne...

标签: VR