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Use technology to cultivate market: Intel way of virtual reality

2017-09-15 00:00:00来源: 人民网

过去两年,VR行业如坐过山车一样经历了大起大落。市场是火热的、前景是无限的、创新是前所未有的,但用户,尤其是消费市场的用户们,却在观望中给VR行业浇了一盆冷水。 2017年,是VR行业大起大落之后回归理性的一年。很多东西被抛弃了,也有很多东西沉淀了下来。在VR行业刚刚兴起的时候,大家就已经意识到,VR行业的核心不在硬件,而在内容与技术。 两年过去了,行业的发展逐渐印证了这个观点。HTC VIVE还是那个HTC VIVE,Oculus Rift也还是那个Oculus Rift,VR头盔的更新迭代速度,远远没有VR内容、VR技术的创新速度快。而英特尔,正是在内容与技术两个层面上,成为推动VR...

In the past two years, VR industry has experienced ups and downs like on a roller coaster. Market is hot, prospects are infinite, the innovation is unprecedented, but users, users of consumer market, in particular, but in looking for VR industry poured cold water. In 2017, after the ups and downs in VR industry is return to rational for one year. A lot of things being abandoned, also there are a lot of things to precipitate down. In VR industry just started, we have realized that VR industries at the core of the hardware, the content and technology. Over the past two years, the development of the industry gradually confirms this view. HTC VIVE or that HTC VIVE, Oculus Rift are the Oculus Rift, VR headsets update iteration speed, far from VR content, VR technology innovation faster. And Intel, is in both content and technology level, become the drive VR...