新关注 > 信息聚合 > Wii U手柄合体PSV 玩家还原任天堂NX专利原型图

Wii U手柄合体PSV 玩家还原任天堂NX专利原型图

Wii U PSV Nintendo NX reduction fit handle game player game

2015-11-12 15:39:08来源: 178游戏网

根据任天堂之前公开的NX专利图,国外玩家绘制了任天堂下一代主机NX的手柄原形图,从还原的图片来看,设计理念和之前的GamePad基本上没有什么区别。 制作者表示这是根据专利图绘制的,这个手持设备可独立使用,外形神似PSV和GamePad的合体,将会拥有一块5.25英寸的显示屏,总长8英...

prototype patent map according to previously disclosed by Nintendo NX patent map, foreign game player draws Nintendo hosts the next generation NX handle prototype map, from the reduction of the picture, the design idea and GamePad before what basically no difference. The makers say this is based on the patent map, the handheld device can be used independently, shape likeness PSV and GamePad fit, will have a 5.25 inch screen, a total length of 8 british...

标签: 玩家 任天堂 PS