新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超级英雄对抗陨石入侵 《堡垒之夜》S4赛季开启

超级英雄对抗陨石入侵 《堡垒之夜》S4赛季开启

Super hero against meteorite invasion "fortress nights" S4 season opens

2018-05-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

如今《堡垒之夜》火爆程度已经赶上了之前的《绝地求生》,并且已经有了超越的趋势。现在,《堡垒之夜》pvp大逃杀模式已经进入了第四赛季,之前的第三赛季已经于4月30日结束。 Epic Games此前已经发布了充满超级英雄风格的S4赛季宣传图片,图片中的超级英雄画面十分引人关注,这是否意味着玩家可以在战斗中穿着超级英雄的衣服?一切的答案将在S4赛季正式开启后揭晓。

Now "fortress nights" popularity has caught up with the previous survival the jedi, and already had the trend of transcendence. Now, "fort nights" PVP battle royale pattern has entered the fourth season, before the third season has ended April 30. & have spent & have spent Epic Games had already released the S4 season full of superhero style publicity pictures, picture of the super hero image is very interesting, does this mean that the player can be dressed in super hero in the battle? All answers will be announced after the S4 season officially open. & have spent