新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这场万人参与的推理游戏,终于在半个月后落下帷幕


The reasoning game, in which thousands of people were involved, finally came to an curtain in half a month

2019-03-28 10:51:47来源: 游戏时光

一些奇异事件的开端,往往只是社交平台中的只言片语。日本论坛 2ch 广为流传的都市传说“如月车站”,便来源于“亲历者”本人的自述。在深夜搭乘电车时,他无意间来到一个不存在的异空间,接着又猝不及防的销声匿迹,其中的变故令人颇为好奇。而当一位悬疑小说家在网上分享自己的离奇经历时,或许很难不引起人的关注。事情得从 3 月 11 日谈起。作家蔡骏写到,为了找寻小说的灵感,自己五天前(3 月 6 日)住进了山区酒店。但奇怪的事情接踵而至,先是与外界联通的吊桥被洪水冲坏,接下来的几天中,酒店旁的悬崖下又相继出现了五具尸体,他还阴差阳错间拿到了酒店顶层的房型图,以及与命案相关的录音。不断更新的作家笔记这则“...

The beginning of some bizarre events is often just a mere word in a social platform. Japan Forum 2ch Widely circulated urban legends "such as the Moon Station", it comes from the "personal experience" of my self-narration. When he took the tram late at night, he unwittingly came to a different space that did not exist, and then disappeared from surprise, and the changes were rather curious. And when a suspense novelist shares his bizarre experience online, it may be hard not to get people's attention. The matter has to be talked about from March 11. Writer Cai Jun wrote that in order to find inspiration for the novel, he was admitted to the Mountain Hotel five days ago (March 6). But strange things ensued, first the suspension bridge with the outside world was washed away by the flood, and in the next few days, five bodies appeared under the cliff next to the hotel, and he also got the room map on the top floor of the hotel, as well as the recordings related to the murder. Constantly updated writer notes this "...

标签: 游戏