新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拒绝者/Xuan加入iG战队 MDL首战新血液亮相

拒绝者/Xuan加入iG战队 MDL首战新血液亮相

Refused to join iG team/Xuan MDL opening new blood

2016-01-20 15:38:31来源: 超级玩家

昨日拒绝者天梯分达到8000,今天下午MDL他就将代表IG出战,希望拒绝者能够有一个良好的开端,同时两位选手的加入也意味着两位选手的退出,马上的MDL冬季赛就将揭晓! 微博正文: 拒绝者是一名非常年轻的选手,但是在Dota1时代凭借着优秀的个人能力已小有名气。在开始他的Dota2职业...

Yesterday declined to ladder points to reach 8000, MDL this afternoon he will play for IG, hope the refused to have a good start, at the same time, two players to join also means that the two players out, MDL winter games will be announced immediately! Weibo text: refused to is a very young players, but in the era of Dota1 with excellent individual ability has a minor celebrity. At the start of his Dota2 professional...