新关注 > 信息聚合 > iOS足球模拟《贝利:足球传奇》体验贝利传奇


IOS football simulation "bailey: football legend" experience legend pele

2016-05-10 00:23:09来源: 逗游网

根据外媒pocketgamer的报导,开发商Cosi Productions LLC近日正式上架了一款iOS版的足球游戏,看到名字或许你就觉得它不一样了,它叫:《贝利:足球传奇(Pelé: Soccer Legend)》。没错,它就是根据球王贝利的经历而改编的一款游戏,将重新贝利在职业生...

According to foreign media reports of pocketgamer, developers Cosi Productions LLC has activated the iOS version of the football game, see the name maybe you just think it is not the same, it's called: "bailey: football Legend (Pele: Soccer Legend)". Yes, it is according to the experience of pele and adaptation of the game, will again bailey in career...

标签: iOS