新关注 > 信息聚合 > D2CL公布直接受邀战队 主赛事今日打响

D2CL公布直接受邀战队 主赛事今日打响

D2CL announced the direct event of the inviting team today

2016-09-27 20:01:30来源: 游久网

导读8支预选赛获选战队和D2CL S8的8支直接受邀战队将在北京时间9月27日打响D2CL S8主赛事。.. 8支预选赛获选战队和D2CL S8的8支直接受邀战队将在北京时间9月27日打响D2CL S8主赛事。 在8月末开始海选的D2CL S8又经历了长达一个月的封闭预选赛,今日D...

The 8 direct inviting teams of the 8 previewing qualifiers and D2CL S8 will start the D2CL S8 main event in September 27th. The 8 pre selected teams and the 8 direct invited teams from the team and D2CL S8 will play the D2CL S8 main event in September 27th of Beijing time. D2CL S8, who was selected at the end of 8, went through a month - long closed race, today D.