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醉逍遥美女如云 首部MV女主角惊艳亮相

Happy drunk beauty actress first MV stunning debut

2015-09-21 15:29:19来源: 新浪

历经5年火爆不断!超人气武侠网游巨制《醉逍遥》,近日为全新的五周年主题曲MV,进行了大型的女主角海选活动。本次《醉逍遥》主题曲由知名古风达人“河图”、“银临”联袂演绎,而MV的女主角则首次100%从玩家中选拔。经历几周激烈的角逐之后,数十位美女玩家脱颖而出、惊艳亮相! 【美女云集 海...

after 5 years of continuous hot! Super popular online martial arts blockbuster "drunk free and unfettered", recently new Fifth Anniversary Theme Song MV, large heroine audition activities. The "drunk free and unfettered," the theme song by the famous ancient Daren "riverside", "silver Pro" joining deduction, and the heroine of the MV is the first 100% from the players selection. After a few weeks of intense competition, dozens of beautiful players come to the fore, stunning debut! Beauty gathered in the sea...