新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴雪:《守望先锋》还有6个英雄正在制作中


Blizzard: The Watchman has six other heroes in production

2018-11-06 11:50:22来源: 游戏时光

在前日举办的暴雪嘉年华上,暴雪公布了《守望先锋》的第29位英雄艾什,近日《守望先锋》总监 Jeff Kaplan 在采访中提到,本作至少还有6个英雄正在制作中。事实上在艾什正式亮相的动画短片“重聚”中,一位新角色 Echo 也出现在其中,Jeff 承认 Echo 就是6位未公布英雄中的一个,不过他并未提及什么时候公开这位角色。Echo截至目前,《守望先锋》已在后续更新中加入了黑影、奥丽莎、末日铁拳、莫伊拉、布丽吉塔、破坏球、艾什等英雄,大家还想在未来看到什么样的英雄加入呢?来源:playstationlifestyle

At the Blizzard Carnival held the previous day, Blizzard announced the 29th hero Ash of Watching Pioneer. Jeff Kaplan, director of Watching Pioneer, said in an interview recently that at least six other heroes are in production. In fact, a new character, Echo, appeared in Ash's official animated film Reunion. Jeff admitted that Echo was one of the six unnamed heroes, but he did not mention when the character would be released. Up to now, Echo has added heroes such as Shadow, Olisa, Doomsday Iron Boxing, Moira, Brigita, Destruction Ball, Ash and so on to its subsequent updates. What kind of heroes do you want to see in the future? Source: Playstation lifestyle

标签: 暴雪 守望先锋