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道友展示极品护卫: 灵性110伤害1600!

Tao friends show the best guard: Spiritual 110 damage: 1600!

2016-03-17 09:38:41来源: 17173

在《梦幻西游》电脑版的召唤兽进阶放出之后,进阶的“白娘子”造型吸引了绝大部分玩家的眼球,但是进阶逆袭的可不是只有千年蛇魅,星灵仙子的进阶造型也是萌萌哒!今天小编带来的宝宝中就有一只进阶的星灵仙子哦~ 7技能壁垒、血耐攻犀牛将军(兽),攻击资质1505,防御资质1503,成长1.252!...

After the "dream swims on the west" the computer version of the beast called advanced release, advanced the "White Snake" shape to attract most of the game player's eye, but advanced counter attack not only the Millennium snake charm, advanced modeling is Meng Da protoss fairy! Today Xiaobian bring baby in one of the advanced Protoss fairies Oh ~ 7 skill barriers, blood resistant of Rhino (the beast), general attack defense qualification qualification 1505, 1503, 1.252 growth! ...