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中秋福利周四上线 西楚霸王盛宴添富贵

The Mid-Autumn festival welfare online on Thursday Place of overlord add rich feast

2016-09-08 08:28:17来源: 新浪

中秋节作为中国传统的四大节日之一,自古以来便是家人团聚的日子,在这团圆的时刻,也不要忘记了五湖四海的西楚兄弟们,即使我们不在彼此身边,心依然连结在一起。为了纪念这个节日,《西楚霸王》将在本周四提前与玩家们共迎中秋,届时大量经验、丰厚好礼,带给你一个不一样的团圆佳节! 中秋活动分为在线...

Mid-Autumn festival as one of China's four big traditional holiday, since the ancient times is a family reunion day, in this time of reunion, also don't forget the place of all brothers, even if we are not in each other's side, still connected together. In order to commemorate the festival, the place of overlord will on Thursday, with players welcome the Mid-Autumn festival in advance, then a lot of experience, rich gifts, brings you a different kind of reunion festival! The Mid-Autumn festival activities are divided into online...