新关注 > 信息聚合 > CF3月5日准点在线活动分析 永久英雄级武器抽取

CF3月5日准点在线活动分析 永久英雄级武器抽取

CF3 5th on time online activity analysis Permanent heroic weapons extraction

2016-02-23 12:46:41来源: 科技讯

【科技讯】2月23日消息,CF在3月五日将会开启准点在线活动,玩家们准点在线就可以获取永久的英雄级武器,更有20倍经验助阵,快来看看活动的详细内容吧。 准点在线必得珍稀神器 3月5日15:30,玩家登录游戏准点在线必得英雄武器三件套,包括M4A1-黑龙(7天)、Barrett-极...

"Science and technology news" on February 23, CF on March 5th will be open on time online activities, on time online players can obtain permanent heroic weapons, 20 times more experience, come and have a look at the details of the activity. On time will be rare artifacts on March 5, came online login game on time online will be hero weapons three-piece suit, including the M4A1 - the black dragon (7 days), Barrett - very...

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