新关注 > 信息聚合 > 乱斗西游2超级联赛s2赛季赛程规则介绍


Scuffle Westward Journey 2 Super League S2 season schedule rules introduced

2015-10-28 15:51:32来源: 4399

乱斗西游2开启手游电竞时代的超级联赛S1大幕方落,超级联赛S2赛季烽烟再起!此次S2赛季将作为NEST全国电子竞技大赛的重要一环,于厦门举办决赛!两大不同模式赛区,线上线下的燃魂对决,50万现金大奖+千万游戏内奖励……闲话不叙,来战! 参赛方式: 1.超级联赛线上积分赛的时间为1...

scuffle Westward Journey 2 open tour gaming era of the Super League S1 curtain side falls, the Super League S2 season beacon recrudesce. The S2 season will be an important part of the NEST national electronic competition, held in Xiamen finals! Two different modes of division, burning soul duel online and offline, 500000 + million cash prize game rewards...... Gossip not Syria, to war! Participating way: 1 super league tournament online time is 1...