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IMGA中国百款入围游戏出炉 颁奖盛典即将揭幕

IMGA China best shortlisted for the game Awards will be unveiled

2017-01-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

自2016年6月咪咕互娱将全球移动游戏大奖(International Mobile Gaming Awards,以下简称IMGA)引入中国以来,这个被誉为“移动游戏界奥斯卡”的皇冠级游戏盛典一直备受各方关注。经过数月紧锣密鼓的评审,首届IMGA中国百款入围游戏已新鲜出炉,年度颁奖盛典筹备也开始了紧张的倒数。 IMGA自2004年设立以来已在欧美地区举办十余年,是业内时间最久、规模最大,最具全球影响力的移动游戏盛典。《愤怒的小鸟》、《部落冲突》、《皇室战争》等风靡世界的游戏,在成名之前都是由IMGA发掘出来并推向全球的。咪咕互娱将IMGA引入中国,就是为了寻找中国最棒的移动游戏。 本...

Since June 2016 Migu entertainment will global Mobile games each award (International Mobile Gaming allow, hereinafter referred to as the IMGA) introduced to China, since this has been hailed as a "Mobile Gaming Oscar" crown level game festival has been praised by all parties concerned. After months of intensive review, the IMGA best shortlisted for the game in China is fresh, the annual award ceremony preparation also started the tense countdown. IMGA since set up in 2004 has been held in the United States and Europe more than 10 years, is the time's oldest and largest, the most influential global mobile game awards. "Angry birds", "tribal conflict", "the royal war" and so on all over the world games, before fame is IMGA excavated and promotion to the world. Migu entertainment will IMGA is introduced into China, in order to search for the best mobile game. This...

标签: 游戏